(j3.2006) J3 Fortran interp letter ballot #14 - due 8-Oct-2007

Michael Ingrassia michaeli
Tue Oct 2 16:05:25 EDT 2007

The following Fortran interpretations are being balloted:

Yes   No    Number     Title
-C-   ---   F03/0092   Procedure characteristics and unlimited
-C-   ---   F03/0093   Allocatable array on intrinsic assignment with
                        scalar expr
-Y-   ---   F03/0094   Final subroutine and VALUE attribute
-Y-   ---   F03/0095   Bounds remapped pointer assignment and
-Y-   ---   F03/0097   Blanks as separators in NAMELIST input
-Y-   ---   F03/0098   Does allocate with source= define subcomponents?
-Y-   ---   F03/0099   Clause 16 does not account for volatile variable
-Y-   ---   F03/0100   Error in field width for special cases of signed
                        INFINITY output
-Y-   ---   F03/0101   Is UDDTIO output suitable for namelist and
                        list-directed input

procedure (foo) proc_tgt
need to be
procedure (foo), target :: proc_tgt
according to [84:21-22] ?
The "Note to J3" should be removed.


	--Michael I.

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