(j3.2006) What IFIP WG 2.5 has sent to IEEE P754

Bill Long longb
Mon Nov 26 15:12:24 EST 2007

Jim Xia wrote:
> Whether the debate continues or not is unknown now,
> but we should be ready for the contingency.
> This has nothing to do with radix= in selected_real_kind(),
> only in ieee_selected_real_kind().
> Is there more?
> Well, as to radix and selected_real_kind(), what is the relationship 
> between REAL types with a radix value of 10 in FORTRAN and decimal 
> floating points in C -- from BIND(C) perspective?  Does Fortran intend 
> to define types interoperable with decimal floating points in C? 

This seems like a reasonable topic for Fortran 2013, or whatever the 
year will be.  At the moment, there is no decimal floating point data 
type in C, so the issue is moot. I don't expect a new C standard in time 
for anything relevant for f08.

>  I haven't heard anyone talked about this topic, but maybe it's 
> because I'm new to the committee. 

More likely, it is because in the foreseeable future the issue is 
relevant for only one vendor (IBM).  It remains to be seen if any other 
vendor will support the IBM format.  If that happens, then the topic 
will more likely come up at J3. Having IEEE agree on a standard for 
decimal floating point would also be helpful.


>  Please share your thoughts.
> Thanks,
> Jim Xia
> XL Fortran Compiler Testing
> IBM Toronto Lab at 8200 Warden Ave.
> Phone (905) 413-3444  Tie-line 313-3444
> D2/NAH/8200 /MKM
> -- 
> Dan Nagle
> Purple Sage Computing Solutions, Inc.
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Bill Long                                   longb at cray.com
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Bioinformatics Software Development         fax:   651-605-9142
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