(j3.2006) finalizer infelicity
Bill Long
Wed Nov 21 17:17:18 EST 2007
Aleksandar Donev wrote:
> On Wednesday 21 November 2007 13:41, Michael Ingrassia wrote:
>> Anyway, just to be clear, in the code I gave with the extra line
>> TYPE(Q) :: X1(1)
>> in subroutine R, I hope we can all agree
>> that it's not standard conforming.
> No way, don't shoot the programmer just because the standard is broken! It is
> an interp request and the interp should fix the text rather than forbid
> perfectly fine programs from being written.
Sorry. Too late for that. We should not, buy the interp process,
introduce new constraints that turn conforming programs into
non-conforming programs. Interps are for interpretations of what the
standard means. Not for "oops, we changed our minds and want different
rules now". This is not a case where the existing rules are unclear.
And there are enough compilers available that support final routines
that this is not a theoretical discussion.
> Aleks
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