(j3.2006) 07-007r1 has paragraph numbers in the margin

Malcolm Cohen malcolm
Thu Mar 29 23:37:28 EDT 2007

Hi folks,

Van Snyder said:
> When it comes time to produce a corrigendum, these will be useful, since
> ISO won't let us put line numbers in the published edition.  The Ada
> standard has paragraph numbers in the margin, and it's an ISO document,
> so I think they'll let us publish with paragraph numbers in the margin,

I think so too; c99 also has these, so it's not just Ada.

> Unfortunately, I couldn't get paragraph numbering to work in notes.

I'll have a look at this later; even if it cannot be gotten to work in
notes properly, there is a fighting chance of being able to number the
whole note as if it were a single paragraph (which many of them are anyway).

> Study how it looks and be prepared to vote at 180 whether to keep them.

Unless there is overwhelming condemnation I'm planning on keeping them
for WG5 to vote on (at meeting 181), there is no need to rush to decide

........................Malcolm Cohen (malcolm at nag-j.co.jp), Nihon NAG, Tokyo.

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