(j3.2006) 007 formatting

Bill Long longb
Wed Mar 7 12:47:12 EST 2007

malcolm at nag-j.co.jp wrote:

>Having the official standard and our drafts both using the same
>layouts is highly desirable.  Hopefully paragraph numbers will be
>an acceptable substitute for line numbers at least for our (WG5)
>working drafts and for interpretation processing.

I'm not sure about WG5 drafts, but for the J3 drafts, I certainly want
to retain the line numbers. We've debated this before and always came to
this conclusion. The reality is that the official standard is pretty
irrelevant. All actual uses are of the final draft, so there is never
any confusion even if the layouts are slightly different. The precision
of citations enabled with line numbers is highly desirable, especially
for longer paragraphs.

>>The attachment shows one page with paragraph numbers, line numbers, and
>>decorated page footer.
>Hmm, I didn't get this, but I'm not using my normal mail reader.
>I'll try it again when I switch operating systems.

I did not get the attachment either.


Bill Long                                   longb at cray.com
Fortran Technical Support    &              voice: 651-605-9024
Bioinformatics Software Development         fax:   651-605-9142
Cray Inc., 1340 Mendota Heights Rd., Mendota Heights, MN, 55120


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