(j3.2006) 007 formatting

Van Snyder van.snyder
Fri Mar 2 16:16:54 EST 2007

On Fri, 2007-03-02 at 18:22 +0900, Malcolm Cohen wrote:
> > 4.  What font do you want?  The same as the page number, or
> something
> > smaller?  The same (sans serif) typeface, or something different?
> > Roman?  Italic?
> Same typeface as the text.

Same typeface as the page body text, or same typeface as the text of the
page number?

> > 5.  How many levels do you want?  I think at least 3 in Clause 13.
> How
> > about in other clauses?
> Consistent.  How about all the way?

This is what I've done, but limiting the level to, say 3, is pretty

Best regards,

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