(j3.2006) Interp 64 question

Malcolm Cohen malcolm
Mon Jan 22 06:24:42 EST 2007

Bill Long said:
> Consider the module
> module procedure_pointers_05_m
>   type x
>     integer a

Missing CONTAINS statement.

>     procedure(sub1),pointer,pass(passed)::ptr1
>     procedure(sub2),pointer,pass(passed)::ptr2
>     procedure(sub2),pointer,pass::ptr3
>   endtype
>   interface
>     subroutine sub1(a,passed)
>       import :: x
>       integer a
>       type(x) :: passed
>     endsubroutine
>     subroutine sub2(passed,a)
>       import :: x
>       integer a
>       type(x) :: passed
>     endsubroutine
>   endinterface
> endmodule
> If I read the current state of interp 64 (not yet passed) it seems the 

When I read interp 64, it has nothing to say on the issue.

There is no "procedure declaration statement" in the above code.

........................Malcolm Cohen (malcolm at nag-j.co.jp), Nihon NAG, Tokyo.

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