(j3.2006) wake you to tell you its ok to sleep some more

Dan Nagle dannagle
Fri Dec 7 12:23:17 EST 2007


There was a conference call Wednesday afternoon
(a couple of hours before I presented a term project
to my Quantum Complexity class) about the INCITS reorg.
I just received an email confirming the outcome and
resulting action items.  I forwarded the original email
to the archive.

J3 has been renamed from INCITS/J3 to INCITS/PL22.3

Our new supervisory committee is PL22.  The phone call
got INCITS to "automatically" transfer Chairs, IRs, and work items
from the old J? to the new and improved PL22.?
(Otherwise, we would have had to ask.)

I'll know more after OWG-V next week, and I'll make
a report at 183.

We were told the reorg was necessary and will have no effect.
(no smiley)


Dan Nagle
Purple Sage Computing Solutions, Inc.

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