(j3.2006) J3/07-278 minutes to J3 meeting #181 of 6-10-Aug-2007 in London

Malcolm Cohen malcolm
Thu Aug 30 20:48:19 EDT 2007

On Fri, 31 Aug 2007 04:29:15 +0900, Dan Nagle <dannagle at verizon.net> wrote:

And here's the reason Dan got two copies before (and would have done this
time).  Message sent from "verizon" to "j3" with a reply-to of "erols":
thus the mailing list software concludes it should put the "erols" address
in its reply-to (as well as the list address) because it's not the address
of the sender.  Probably avoidable by posting from the "erols" address  
maybe that might be a bit inconvenient.

I spotted it this time and manually edited the To field, but next time it
happens don't blame me for using "reply to all" because I didn't.

> Future meetings, 183 will start Sunday 10 Feb, not Monday 11.
> We all agreed we didn't have enough time during 181 for all the work.

I respectfully disagree with the "all" part of this statement, seeing as
how I don't agree.

The fact that the WG5 convenor closed the WG5 meeting at 1pm (even though
he knew I was coming back and had views on the resolutions!) does not
indicate a lack of meeting time - in fact the opposite.

Malcolm Cohen, Nihon Numerical Algorithms Group KK, Tokyo, Japan.

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