(j3.2006) (SC22WG5.3471) WG5 Documents for London meeting

John Reid j.k.reid
Thu Aug 2 07:49:35 EDT 2007

Dear WG5,

I have just put these new papers on the server:
     N1684 US National Activity Report (Snyder)
     N1686 SC22 Other Working Group - Vulnerabilities - Liaison Report (Nagle)
     N1687 ISO 31-11 special functions (Nagle)
     N1688 Special mathematical functions in Fortran (Snyder)
     N1689 Letter to the Convener re co-arrays (Wallin)
All are visible using hot links on the WG5 home page.

You have already seen N1684 as an email message. The three new text files are

N1687 and N1688 concern a new topic and have come very late. I will not rule it 
out from the chair, but it definitely has low priority. We have significant 
differences on the content and timing of the main standard to resolve. We should 
be working on F2003 interpretations.

N1689 was sent to me yesterday as a private email. It has been written with care 
by a newcomer to the Fortran standardization process who cannot get to London. I 
thought it deserved to be read by you all.

Best wishes,


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