(j3.2006) J3/07-174.5: minutes to J3 meeting #179
Whitlock, Stan
Tue Apr 3 20:33:40 EDT 2007
Dear J3:
Attached please find the minutes to the J3 meeting #179 {Feb-2007 in Las
Vegas}. The paper number is 07-174.5 because the next to last paper for
meeting #179 was 07-174 but I forgot to reserve the number 07-175 for
the minutes. 07-175 now exists as a paper for meeting #180 so to keep
papers sequentially ascending and still have the minutes be the last
paper in a specific meeting directory, I used 07-174.5. Dan will let us
know if that won't work.
I will do better at reserving the correct paper number for the minutes
for the next meeting.
As always, please send me any corrections to 07-174.5 that you find.
Thanks /Stan
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